News & Publications

Claims for Breach of Confidence Actions Clarified

In a recent case of Amber Compounding Pharmacy Pte Ltd and another v Lim Suk Ling Priscilla and others [2023] SGHC 241, the Singapore High Court clarified the scope of remedies available in a claim for breach of confidence.

Claims for Breach of Confidence Actions Clarified

Conduct of Meetings of Management Corporations, Subsidiary Management Corporations and Collective Sale Committees

This update looks at the new permanent meeting arrangements for management corporations, subsidiary management corporations and collective sale committees, permitting meetings to be held electronically with voting by electronic means, following amendments made to the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act 2004 and Land Titles (Strata) Act 1967, which came into force on 1 July 2023.

Conduct of Meetings of Management Corporations, Subsidiary Management Corporations and Collective Sale Committees