News & Publications

“Strata Titles Board Holds that Child Safety is Paramount over Concerns of Building Appearance and Uniformity” by Toh Kok Seng and Daniel Chen

Lee & Lee’s latest update covers the decision of the Strata Titles Board in Sujit Singh Gill v The Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No. 3466, STB 52 of 201.

Lee & Lee’s Toh Kok Seng and Daniel Chen acted for the successful Applicant in the above case.


“Strata Titles Board Holds That Section 47 Of The BMSMA Cannot Be Used To Obtain Documents For Use In Other Proceedings” by Toh Kok Seng and Daniel Chen

Lee & Lee’s latest update covers the decision of the Strata Titles Board in Sheldon Lee v The Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No. 3330 (STB No. 39 of 2014).

Lee & Lee’s Toh Kok Seng, Yik Shu Ying and Daniel Chen acted for the successful Respondents in the above case.

Download file: The Grange Case Update – 26112014

High Court Issues Landmark Decision on Common Property in Strata Developments” by Toh Kok Seng and Yik Shu Ying

Lee & Lee’s latest update covers the recent landmark High Court decision of The Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No. 367 v Lee Siew Yuen and another [2014] SGHC 161.

Lee & Lee’s Toh Kok Seng and Yik Shu Ying acted for the successful Respondents in the above case.

Download File: Case_Note_-_High_Court_Issues_Landmark_Decision_on_Common_Property_in_Strata_Developments

“CCS Imposes Financial Penalties of S$9.3M on Japanese Bearing Manufacturers” by Tan Tee Jim, S.C. and Jeremiah Chew

Lee & Lee’s update analyses the latest Infringement Decision released by the Competition Commission of Singapore on 27 May 2014, in which four Japanese bearing manufacturers and their Singapore subsidiaries were fined a total of S$9.3M.
