News & Publications

Patent Ambiguities

This article by Tan Tee Jim, S.C. discusses the recent Court of Appeal case of Cicada Cube Pte Ltd v National University Hospital (Singapore) Pte Ltd [2018] SGCA 52 in which we acted for NUH.

This article was first e-published by the Singapore Academy of Law in December 2018.

Patent Ambiguities

Keeping to the spirit of AGMs

Our Litigation and Dispute Resolution Partner, Christopher Tan, was recently quoted in the Business Times (23 Oct), in the article “Keeping to the spirit of AGMs”. Christopher gave his views on how the laws of defamation, in particularly the possible defence of qualified privilege, might operate in discussions which take place at Annual General Meetings

THE latest season of Annual General Meetings (AGMs) – the once-a-year affair in which investors get to engage with the management of companies they invest in […]

Introduction to the Cybersecurity Act 2018

This update is on the Cybersecurity Act 2018 which came into force on 31 August 2018 with a view to establishing a legal framework for the oversight and maintenance of Singapore’s national cybersecurity.

Introduction to the Cybersecurity Act 2018

13 Chicken Distributors Roasted with a S$26.9 Million Fine

Lee & Lee’s latest case note discusses CCCS’ recent decision to fine 13 chicken distributors $26.9 million for for agreeing not to compete with each other and for coordinating the amount and timing of price increases of fresh chicken products

13 Chicken Distributors Roasted with a S$26.9 Million Fine

Regulating the Sharing Economy

Lee & Lee’s latest article looks at the innovation of the sharing economy and the importance of regulating such innovation.

This article first appeared in the Q3/2018 Issue of the SID Directors Bulletin published by the Singapore Institute of Directors.

Regulating the Sharing Economy