Simplified Process for Intellectual Property Disputes at the High Court

The new Supreme Court of Judicature (Intellectual Property) Rules 2022 came into force on 1 April 2022. It introduces a new streamlined track for resolving intellectual property disputes in the High Court known as the Simplified Process for Certain Intellectual Property Claims

This article will discuss the key features of the Simplified Process and the requirements for the Simplified Process to apply. The Simplified Process is a useful alternative pathway for litigants with limited means in less complex cases.​

Simplified Process for […]

Opening the Gates – Court Lifts Injunction over “KAWS:HOLIDAY Singapore” Exhibition

Photo Credits: AllRightsReserved Limited (Instagram: arr.allrightsreserved)

On 13 November 2021, the organisers of the much-anticipated “KAWS:HOLIDAY Singapore” exhibition, AllRightsReserved Limited (“AllRightsReserved”), were served an interim injunction. Lee & Lee represented AllRightsReserved in an urgent hearing on 15 November 2021. The Court agreed with our arguments and lifted the injunction.

This client note discusses the urgent hearing and provides some background to the parties.

Opening the Gates – Court Lifts Injunction over “KAWS:HOLIDAY Singapore” Exhibition

Cheaper, Better, Faster: Cost-Saving Features and Simplified Processes Undergird the Upcoming Specialised Track for Intellectual Property Litigation

Recently, on 13 September 2021, during the Second Reading of the Copyright Bill, the Second Minister for Law, Mr. Edwin Tong, indicated that a specialised intellectual property litigation “track” in the High Court (the “Specialised Track”) would be introduced in the coming months.

This article provides an overview as to the Specialised Track (based on available information) and provides insight into when the Specialised Track may be useful for parties considering IP litigation, as well as its potential risks and pitfalls.

Cheaper, […]

Interview with COV-AID: Intellectual Property Law and COVID-19

COV-AID is a student-led initiative, comprised of law students from the National University of Singapore, which seeks to simplify the vast number of new laws, regulations and legal issues arising from COVID-19 for the general public.

In a recent video interview with COV-AID, our Mr Tan Tee Jim, S.C. discussed the impact of COVID-19 on the Intellectual Property (IP) industry. In the video below, Mr Tan shares his insights on the concept of “vaccine nationalism”, how it interacts with IP law generally, […]

Beginning of a Fresh Chapter – Singapore’s Overhaul of its Copyright Act

This article discusses and highlights several key changes introduced in the Copyright Bill, which can be encapsulated along three key themes:

(1) Ensuring copyright continues to reward the creation of works;(2) Ensuring copyright works are available for the benefit of society at large; and(3) Strengthening the copyright ecosystem.

Beginning of a Fresh Chapter – Singapore’s Overhaul of its Copyright Act

Pollmann, Christian Joachim v Ye Xianrong [2021] SGHC 77, Record Quantum of Damages Awarded in a Personal Injury Claim

This client note discusses a recent High Court case which awarded a record quantum of damages. The case also illustrates a high range of damages that can be awarded where the claimant earned a relatively high income prior to the incident that forms the subject of the claim.

Pollmann, Christian Joachim v Ye Xianrong [2021] SGHC 77, Record Quantum of Damages Awarded in a Personal Injury Claim

First time a provisionally-registered doctor is struck off: Singapore Medical Council v Chua Shunjie [2020] SGHC 239

This case commentary highlights the important aspects of the Court of Three Judges’ decision in Singapore Medical Council v Chua Shunjie [2020] SGHC 239, including a Disciplinary Tribunal’s jurisdiction over provisionally-registered doctors after the expiration of their provisional registration, and circumstances in which the sanction of striking off is imposed

First time a provisionally-registered doctor is struck off: Singapore Medical Council v Chua Shunjie [2020] SGHC 239

The Advent and Progress of ETA

This article provides some background to the Electronic Transactions Act (Cap. 88) and highlights the usefulness of the ETA when conducting your business.

The Advent and Progress of ETA

Amendment to Personal Data Protection Act

This article discusses the salient amendment introduced by the Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill which was read for the first time in Parliament on 5 October 2020, and passed on 2 November 2020.

Amendment to Personal Data Protection Act